
Dhara is one of the most pleasant Ayurvedic treatments, during which a thin stream of warm healing oil is poured on the forehead. It stimulates the frontal area, thus achieving the effect of profound relaxation of the body and peace in mind. Oil is individually selected by Ayurvedic doctor in accordance with the constitution and the current state of the organism, the effectiveness of the procedure in the treatment of headaches, stress and even mental illness has repeatedly been confirmed by clinical trials. Scientists believe that the stimulation of the “third eye” area affects the brain centers and the nervous system as a whole, causing the release of neurohormones and serotonin, causing a feeling of pleasure and bliss.

Dhara begins with the oil body massage which relaxes the muscles and harmonizes the energy of the body, preparing it for the procedure. Then warm oil is poured into a copper vessel on a massage rack, from where continuous thin stream poured on the forehead. All this time the master ensures that the oil temperature remains constant and slightly swing the vessel stimulating the entire frontal area. 

Dhara significantly increases brain activity, improves memory and mental abilities, and therefore highly recommended for pupils, students and all those who are being trained and forced to memorize and absorb large amounts of information.

Dhara is also often used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, because most of them have a psychosomatic character. As a result of this procedure sexual function normalizes, libido and sexual energy increase

Dhara significantly increases brain activity, improves memory and mental abilities, and therefore highly recommended for pupils, students and all those who are being trained and forced to memorize and absorb large amounts of information.

Dhara is also often used in the treatment of sexual dysfunction, because most of them have a psychosomatic character. As a result of this procedure sexual function normalizes, libido and sexual energy increase


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Where nature meets bliss

Monday to Saturday:

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