Sirovasthi, sometimes referred to as Siro Basti, is an effective Ayurvedic treatment for nervous system disorders. The term ‘Siro’ means head and ‘Vasthi’ means container. It is highly recommended to individuals who seek strong mental and physical immunity.

The process mainly involves the application of warm herbal oils on the head of an individual for a specific period. The oil and herbs used here are boiled in a special way to optimally extract the medicinal properties. The warm medicated oil is then poured on an open-headed cap and allowed to soak into the individual’s scalp.
The Sirovasthi treatment can rejuvenate the human body by enhancing the life span of cells, improving immunity, and boosting metabolism. It is also effective in the treatment of migraine, depression, chronic headaches, and various other conditions.
- Promotes mental calmness and brings clarity to thoughts
- Treats nervous system disorders like hemiplegia and quadriplegia
- Beneficial for weak nerves and spondylitis
- Cures insomnia
- Nourishes the brain and treats different brain disorders
- Prevents psychosomatic diseases
- Recommended for facial paralysis
- Helpful for eye disorders and sinusitis
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Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday:
24 Hours